FAQ: How often do you return home?

by | Living in Costa Rica

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My blogs try to counter the misinformation that I see spreading around Facebook groups about Costa Rica as well as the internet, in general.

This is one of the big reasons I wrote my book, Moving to Costa Rica Simplified (grab your copy here). 

Here’s a frequently asked question that my clients ask: “How often do you return home?”

Well, I am home 😉

A better question would be: How often do you return to the US? ✈️

Answer: Once in the last 12 years. September 2019.

Yep, you read that right.

And only for 24 hours* as I had to renew my license with the DMV. I’ll admit it was fun to go to Trader Joe’s, and my old favorite lunch spot, Busy Bee. And to see one of my bestest friends. But I don’t miss it at all. Especially all that awful traffic, the smog AND that concrete jungle!! 🙈

I left Costa Rica with a backpack and returned home with multiple bags. Because admittedly, everything is a whole lot cheaper in the US! So I took the opportunity to stock up.

But Costa Rica is my home. For better or worse, in sickness and in health…

It was a good day in Los Angeles, but not something I need to repeat often.

*That 24 turned into 36 when my red eye home got canceled and I was stuck checking into a hotel at 2:30am, then desperately trying to find a flight out the next day. But grateful to have gotten on an Alaska flight which was direct to Liberia.

Watch a short video of my day in LA here…

If you’re wanting to call Costa Rica home and would like personalized support, where you and I meet on zoom to develop your moving abroad plan (and help you set realistic expectations!), reach out… that’s what I’m here for!

Learn more about my services here.


Hey there, I'm Chrissy

This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about moving to and living in Costa Rica.