How I celebrated my 50th birthday
How did I celebrate my 50th birthday? Well, not how I thought I would. I moved. Así es la vida...
US election didn’t go as you’d hoped? Read this before moving to Costa Rica.
There’s been a huge surge in interest from people thinking about moving to Costa Rica. As a...
Voting while living abroad
I come from a generation where politics, religion, and sex were considered off-limits in casual...
FAQ: How often do you return home?
Here's a frequently asked question that my clients ask: "How often do you return home?" Well, I am...
Seeing a specialist at a Costa Rica public hospital
Back in March 2022, I visited a doctor at my local EBAIS (a public clinic), who assured me she...
Mother’s Day and Memories
August 15th is Mother's Day here in Costa Rica. It's associated with an event in the Catholic...
Hola! I'm Chrissy
This is my little corner of the internet where I share all things about moving to and living in Costa Rica.